Jan. 20, 2023 Common electrical issues found within a home inspection

Home inspections are an important part of ensuring that your home is safe and up-to-date. During a home inspection, the inspector will look for many things, one of which being common electrical issues. Here’s a look at some of the most common electrical issues found during a home inspection:

Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring is one of the most serious issues that an inspector may find during a home inspection, and it should not be taken lightly. Faulty wiring can be dangerous and can even lead to house fires if left unchecked. The inspector will look for kinks in the wiring covering, missing outlets, loose wires outside of junction boxes, broken light switches, frayed extension cords and overloaded circuits. If any of these are found, they need to be addressed immediately.

Inadequate Electrical System Size

The size of your home’s electrical system can become inadequate over time as you add new appliances or services to your home. This means more demand is being placed on the current electrical system which can cause problems such as flickering lights or hot light switches when too much power is running through the system at once. Your electrician should be able to inspect your wiring and make recommendations on how best to increase it if necessary.

Improper Installation

One common problem inspectors often discover is improper installation of electrical systems from previous owners or contractors who didn’t follow code regulations when doing their work. Make sure that any work done on your home was done by reputable professionals who would have followed local building codes for safety measures and standards. The inspector should also ensure that all outlets have proper faceplates installed with no exposed wires showing so that there isn’t a risk for electric shock if touched by someone in the house.      

Outdated Electrical Boxes & Fuse Systems

Another common issue inspectors may find during a home inspection are outdated electrical boxes or fuse systems that may not comply with modern fire codes requirements or local building codes anymore. If this is discovered, it would need to be updated right away as these safety regulations must always be followed in order for homes to remain safe places to live in.

Electrical Grinding Sounds

Electrical grinding noises coming from an area of your home could indicate something isn’t correctly wired or there might even be something inside (elements) like dirt causing unintentional friction with wiring within walls or where wires connect – slowing down energy flow which causes pressing together/grinding sounds until connection/path improvements are made. If heard then call an electrician right away as issue could involve potentially hazardous shocks occurring too!