Feb. 17, 2023 Inspecting windows in your home for efficiency

If you’re looking for ways to make your home more energy efficient, inspecting windows may be a good place to start. This simple task can help you identify energy-draining areas of your home and identify ways to improve them. That said, here are some tips on how to effectively inspect windows in your home for efficiency:

Check the Weatherstripping

Weatherstripping is designed to create an airtight seal that prevents drafts and insects from gaining access through the cracks around your window frames. If you notice a gap around the window frame when you open or close it, then weatherstripping should be replaced.

Check for Areas of Leaks

Do a physical inspection of your windows and look for areas where moisture may have seeped in. Keep an eye out for water stains around windowsill edges and walls beneath window frames as well as any discoloration on the paint or wallpaper near windows.

Inspect for Insulation Gaps

Energy-efficient homes rely upon well-sealed insulation around windows, so check all four corners where each window intersects with its frame. You should also check how much movement there is between the window sills and jamb liner—any gaps at these points will cause air leaks and damage over time.

Look for Signs of Wear and Tear

Take note of any signs of wear or cracks in the glass or frames that may need repair during your inspection process. Cracks can allow air loss which then causes heat loss during colder months—avoiding this can save significantly on energy bills throughout wintertime in particular.

Test Window Operation

Finally, test the operation of each window by opening and closing it several times—if it becomes difficult, then it could be due to swelling caused by wet conditions or corrosion due to exposure to salty sea breezes if you live near a coastal area. In either case, opting to repair faulty hinges could boost efficiency across multiple windows within your house considerably!